Q&A - Ask AsthmaMate

Do children outgrow their asthma?

As many as half of all children between 2 and 10 outgrow their childhood asthma, but many find that their asthma symptoms return later in life.

Will I always have asthma?

Some people stop having asthma attacks as they get older, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, asthma is a chronic disease that requires treatment. If you have asthma, your best plan is to learn how to manage the asthma, avoid triggers, and move on with your life.

Can asthma be cured?

There is no cure for asthma, but it can be controlled with medical treatment, education, and allergen avoidance.

How does my puffer work?

Puffers are used to decrease symptoms of asthma through increasing air flow. It does this through opening the airways to the alveoli within the lungs, allowing normal breathing. Puffers are most commonly used post exercise, but evidence has suggested pre-exercise usage is also effective

What sort of lifestyle can be led?

Asthma should never be regarded as something to hold back enjoyment of life. There are many successful Australian asthmatic athletes at the top of their chosen sport. They always have a reliever medication handy for first aid if asthma symptoms develop. Don't forget that peak physical performance also requires a healthy diet, no cigarette smoking and regular exercise training.

Can people with asthma have a pet?

At least 30% of asthma sufferers are allergic to animals, however it is good to consider whether the pet could be the culprit when triggering symptoms of asthma. There are some certain breeds of dog or cats the don't shed, but the fur probably isn't the allergen. In fact it is commonly the shedding of the animal's dander (flakes of dead skin), an allergy-causing protein.

I really don't like taking my puffers in front of people. What can I do?

There are daily controller medicines that are only taken at home in the morning and at night. However it is wise to take the puffer just in case of an asthma attack. If your start to feel symptoms, take it in the washroom, then rinse out your mouth after. Reliever medicines are often only needed either before exercising or occasionally when you are having asthma symptoms. This kind of inhaler is more likely to be needed at school, but not often.

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